Apr 28 2015
Murrul is here (Yawuru season, little wind or rain, humidity drops, April-May) and the wattles are beginning to flower. Yawuru people, the traditional owners of Broome, live by the six seasons. ‘These seasons bring with them cultural rules and responsibilities, how to look after the country, plants and animals. There are rules about when certain animals can be eaten and by whom, and responsibilities about not wasting what can be eaten (Planning for the future: Yawuru Cultural Management Plan, 2011).
Apr 3 2015
A severe bloom of toxic blue-green algae has again appeared in Roebuck Bay, with the blooms triggered by nutrients, particularly nitrogen, entering Roebuck Bay. Nutrients come from multiple sources in Broome. Studies undertaken by the University of WA show that a source of nutrients entering Roebuck Bay is the ponds at Broome South Wastewater Treatment Plant, and wastewater re-use on Broome golf course.
Water Corp findings in February 2014 showed that 91000KL of semi-treated wastewater per year was seeping from the Broome South Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant is adjacent to Town Beach/Simpson Beach, where the thickest Lyngbya blooms are occurring.
Kandy Curran, Project Manager of the Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc (RBWG), said: ‘Every effort must be made to prevent pollution from entering Ramsar and National Heritage listed Roebuck Bay. Lyngbya blooms are devastating to seagrass, the main food of marine animals including turtles and dugong. The RBWG have written to Water Corp, Department of Environment Regulation, and the State.
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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