You will be surprised to learn that your septic, if it isn’t maintained well, can pollute Broome’s coastal waters and provide nutrients that are food for blooms of toxic Lyngbya majuscula, commonly known as Maiden’s Hair.
Follow the tips on the magnets below to prevent sewerage from your septic seeping into the aquifer below Broome, or overflowing and entering stormwater drains that discharge into Roebuck Bay. Sewerage can become food for toxic blooms of Lyngbya majuscula that impact seagrass, fish, dugongs and marine life. These blooms pose a threat to human health and to Roebuck Bay’s fish stocks and marine life.
One magnet for residents close to Roebuck Bay; the other, for people close to Cable Beach.
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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