Roebuck Bay is Australia’s best wetland for shorebirds, Australian snubfin dolphins, benthic invertebrate life and dinosaur footprints. A Celebrate the Bay event attracted hundreds of people to Town Beach where they enjoyed learning about Roebuck Bay. In efforts to protect the Bay, a study is underway by UWA, to prove that worsening Lyngbya blooms are caused by a combination of high temperatures and nutrients in groundwater runoff. With protection and management essential for a national treasure such as Roebuck Bay, Yawuru Traditional Owners have produced a cultural management plan to guide future planning.
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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