RBWG won a State Landcare “Coastcare Award’ in 2019 and in 2021 was shortlisted for a National Coastcare Award. RBWG received a Commendation, congratulations RBWG, outstanding work as always.
The award focused on the collaborative Keep Our Bay Clean campaign (2005-19) to reduce anthropogenic nutrient sources contributing to Lyngbya majuscula blooms which threaten Roebucks Bay’s biodiversity, indigenous heritage and economic values. The entry is now a contender for a 2020 National Coastcare Award.
Thanks RBWG Management Committee members and Yawuru Rangers who have been involved in all Keep Our Bay Clean projects, along with Parks and Wildlife staff. Thanks to the Shire of Broome, joint partners on the McMahon Reserve project to plant the riparian zone of a drain with a bush tucker trail.
School children planted hundreds of native plants along the McMahon walkway and stormwater drain with help from Yawuru Ranger Curtis Robinson. Kandy Curran
Special thanks to Hydrogeologist Dr Ryan Vogwill, who helped run the Lyngbya forums and supervise four post graduate studies on groundwater and surface water nutrient inputs to Roebuck Bay. Grant Pearson who coordinated the first Lyngbya Forum and Dr Sora Estrella who undertook post doctorate studies on the effects of nutrient enrichment on toxic blooms of Lyngbya and benthic invertebrates and migratory shorebirds of the Roebuck Bay Ramsar site.
Thanks to the Shire of Broome who provided grant funding for Acting Project Manager Kandy Curran to attend the Gala Awards.
These independent peer reviewed studies were critical drawing attention to RBWG concerns regarding; nutrient seepage into groundwater from the unlined ponds at Broome South Waste Water Treatment Plant, adjacent golf course irrigated with treated wastewater; and the aging network of stormwater drains discharging into Roebuck Bay.
This is an outstanding achievement by a passionate group formed in 2004 in Broome. Funded by Rangelands NRM, the National Landcare Program, State NRM with support from Royalties for Regions and Inspiring Australia, the group’s outstanding community work is aimed at protecting, restoring and maintaining the highly biodiverse catchment that is one Australia’s most important migratory shorebird sites, holds high cultural values and biodiversity, has an exceptional biomass of invertebrates and is a hotspot for Australian snubfin dolphins. The Gala Awards were held at Perth Convention Centre on 18 October 2013. The award acknowledges groups who show a proven passion and dedication to reducing environmental impacts in rural and regional areas.
“Sincere thanks to RBWG’s members and Management Committee, Yawuru Traditional Owners, our web/graphics people Tasty Pixels, Peter Strain, Prof Ryan Vogwill, Tom Harley and Broome schools. Moreover, the staff at Rangelands NRM, National Science Week and Inspiring Australia who have provided outstanding support for the innovative projects we deliver ” Kandy Curran, Project Manager of RBWG said.
The judging panel congratulated Roebuck Bay Working Group for considerable progress in building local capacity to care for the natural and cultural heritage of Roebuck Bay and strong commitment to Yawuru and community involvement. Please read COASTLINES »
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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