Feb 29 2016
Water Corp invites you to a community update on the contamination issues at Broome South Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Broome Golf Course, on Tues March 1, 2016. Water Corp General Manager Rino Triolo will provide the presentation which will focus on projects to reduce flows at the the Broome South Waste Water Treatment Plant to reduce the likelihood of treated wastewater seeping from the ponds and progress of environmental investigations being undertaken by Water Corp and the Department of Environment Regulation.
Feb 23 2016
Broome’s coast is magnificent, however it gets loved to death and needs TLC! Come along and help clean up this Sunday – March 6, from 7-9am. Conservation Volunteers Australia are running the event. broome@cva.org.au 9192 6198
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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