Sep 6 2021
Roebuck Bay Working Group continues its outstanding work, with an innovative Science on the Broome Coast series, a popular Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest, a cool as can be sign on the foreshore of Roebuck Bay and a Coastal Garden book that is creating a positive trend toward endemic gardens in the coastal town of Broome.
Nov 8 2019
Shorebird Quest follows Curtis the Curlew on his perilous breeding migration from Siberia to Roebuck Bay through a fusion of Yawuru Country knowledge, musical theatre, puppetry and original music written by Jaime Jackett. Writer and puppeteer Bernadette Trench-Thiedeman said the show celebrates the biodiversity of Roebuck Bay, bringing life to the creatures that exist in its water and mudflats. Shorebird Quest is a co-creation between Theatre Kimberley, Broome Bird Observatory, Parks and Wildlife Service Yawuru Rangers, Nyamba Buru Yawuru Country Managers, five Broome schools and the community.
Made by Paul Bell (Feral Films) and funded by Rangelands NRM with support from the Federal Government National Landcare Program.
Sep 3 2019
Book tickets now and feel the excitement of the 2019 Mud and Saltwater ‘Premiere Night’ Friday September 13, 2019 (always books out), with the short films on the big screen for the first time. Filmmakers will have a chance to win the ‘Muddy Award’ for the Best in Fest, but… there are so many fantastic films this year!
Sun Pictures is perfect to screen the short films about Roebuck Bay, Broome and the Kimberley region, with the Kimberley rugged scenic and rich in natural heritage and cultural values, there are fascinating, and at times hilarious and perilous stories to be relived through films. What is especially unique about the short films, is that they almost all made by filmmakers who live in the Kimberley region, so its a unique insight into our way of life and values. You may also meet some of the film crew and actors from Mystery Road!!
Thank you to our major Sponsors: Rangelands NRM with support from the Federal Government National Landcare Program, Sobrane Gallery, Cygnet Bay Pearls, Inspiring Australia and State NRM.
Thank you to donors Broome Betta Electrical, Big Broome-Haa, Broome Bird Observatory, Broome Whale Watching, Camera Electronic, Fitzgerald Photo, Good Cartel, Murranji Photography, Press Play, Shinju Matsuri, Unbound Sound.
Organiser: Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest
Book tickets
All the 2019 entries will be screened with the exception of Saving Seagrass at historic Sun Pictures, and the award winning short film ‘The Secrets of the Kimberley’ shown for the first time in Broome. Audiences will be inspired by the cinematography and photography, and opportunity to see the Kimberley region through the eyes of the people who live in this incredibly beautiful, and at times, tough part of the world. On that note, what is especially unique about the short films, is that they almost all made by local filmmakers who live in the Kimberley region, so its a unique insight into our way of life and values.
Organiser: Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest
Book tickets
Nov 27 2018
December 15, 2018
This is the second workshop to help you make a short film with in iPhone or iPad. Filmmaker Brad Turton makes and edits his films on his iPhone, so he’s the man to teach you, with considerable experience in the film industry, including acting, directing and filmmaking. The Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest wants to help you make and improve your films, so are offering workshops prepare you for the 2019 Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest. The short films needs to have links to the natural, cultural and heritage values of Roebuck Bay and Kimberley WA. Check out the films from 2015, 2017 and 2018 to get an idea of just how far you can go! A good motto, is keep them family friendly 🙂
Where Broome Community Resource Centre, 40 Dampier Terrace, Chinatown
When December 15, 2018
Free 🙂
Nov 27 2018
Due to popular demand, we are running this workshop again. Working with minimal gear and preparation for absolute beginners to experienced video shooters. With practical demonstrations using a smartphone. Led by Matthew Adams, winner of ‘Best Documentary’ and ‘Best in Fest in the 2018 Mud and SAltwater Short Film Fest.
Where Community Resource Centre, 40 Dampier Terrace, Chinatown
When December 8, 2018 from 1-3pm
Free 🙂
Register [email protected]
Nov 21 2018
Thinking making a documentary for the 2019 Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest? Matthew Adams will lead a FREE filmmaking workshop Saturday November 24th, 1-3pm, Lotteries House, Broome. Matthew won ‘Best Documentary’ & ‘Best in Fest’ in the 2018 Mud & Saltwater Short Film Fest so he’s the man to help you
Where Lotteries House, 620 Cable Beach Road, Broome
When Saturday November 24, 2018
Free 🙂
Oct 31 2018
Inspired to make a short film with an iPhone or iPad? Well here’s your opportunity… Brad Turton will lead a FREE iPhone filmmaking workshop Saturday afternoon 1-3pm (Nov 3, 2018) at Lotteries House (room out back). Georgie Barnes will help too. Four films entered in the 2018 Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest were shot on iPhones
Register here and if coming, please download the free iMovie App (you should already have it on your phone), be sure your IOS is up to current with updates, and bring your iPhone and or iPad.
Oct 16 2018
Eciting news… The 2018 Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest will be rescreened Sat Oct 20 at Sun Pictures and include all entries – woohoo!! There were a lot of great short films entered in 2018 that didn’t get shown, so it’s going to lots of fun seeing them all on the big screen. The Decision, by Brad and Georgie Barnes will be in the mix 🙂
Tickets on sale at Twin Cinemas/Sun Pictures for $10. Thanks Paul and Louisa from Sun Pictures.
Jul 26 2018
Get your tickets folks, the Mud and Saltwater Short Film Fest screenings are incredibly popular events in the Shinju Matsuri program in Broome. The 2018 Mud and Saltwater Film Fest will held over two nights at Sun Pictures, each night is different, I’m going to both 🙂
Oct 12 2017
Great news filmmakers, there are two filmmaking workshops on Monday 23rd October lead by Australian actor Steve Bastoni and filmmaker Shayne Thomson. Register your interest now.
The second filmmaking workshop on Monday 23 Oct is from 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Lotteries House, Steve Bastoni will help with scripting, acting and directing, and Shayne Thomson with camera technique and techie stuff. Both great workshops and we look forward to seeing you there.
Roebuck Bay Working Group is comprised of Traditional Owners and government, local community, conservation groups and business. We work collaboratively to solve issues, raise awareness and encourage research and monitoring which supports responsible management and protection of Roebuck Bay.
Roebuck Bay Working Group Inc.: Protection and advocacy of Roebuck Bay's outstanding natural and cultural values.
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